Friday, April 8, 2011

Alright Jacksonville:

Four more months of school left and then I am coming for you. My goals are thus:

-Organize a volunteer group initiative for benefitting projects in the Jacksonville area:
-Build "umbrellas" for bus stops throughout downtown and riverside
-Organize more community gardens and possibly a daily downtown farmers market
-Make community boards so that people can post local events, rental opportunities, and the like. ( So we don't have to go to Starbucks for this type of information. )
-Help support other local initiatives and entrepreneurial motions around Jacksonville.
-Motivate all local public and private schools to become recyclers for not only the City of Jacksonville but possibly also in cahoots with TerraCycle.
-Park clean-up and renovations
-Provide opportunities for Jacksonville's youth ( i.e. build playgrounds, organize play days, encourage special events at recreational centers)
-Assist in improving the music scene in Jacksonville

We can do this! Who is with me?

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